Transportation Analysis Guidelines
The City of Glendale has updated its Transportation Analysis Guidelines to require vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis as part of transportation analysis and environmental review for development projects in the city, consistent with the requirements of Senate Bill 743 (SB 743). Passed by the State of California in 2013, SB 743 requires lead agencies, such as the City of Glendale, to no longer rely upon traditional automobile-focused performance measures such as level of service (LOS) for analyzing project impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Instead, the California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) has recommended VMT as the most appropriate measure of transportation impacts. The shift to analyzing project-generated VMT promotes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks, and a diversity of land uses. These new TIA Guidelines went into effect on July 1st, 2020. If you are interested in learning more about Senate Bill 743, please refer to the State of California Governor's Office of Planning and Research project webpage.
In addition to VMT evaluations for CEQA, the City’s new Transportation Analysis Guidelines maintain automobile LOS requirements for assessing local congestion and traffic operations. In addition, the Guidelines also include assessments for impacts to public transit, bicycles, pedestrians, and safety. The City is developing a VMT Matrix Analysis.
For technical assistance or questions regarding implementation of the Traffic Analysis Guidelines, please contact:
Fred Zohrehvand | Principal Mobility Planner City of Glendale |
City of Glendale Transportation Analysis Guidelines
The City of Glendale has updated its Transportation Analysis Guidelines to comply with SB 743.
City of Glendale Online VMT Mapping Tool
The City of Glendale has created an Online Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mapping Tool to provide information on VMT for locations within the City of Glendale based on the most recent version of the existing citywide travel demand model. Users can look up a location by address or by the assessor's parcel number (APN). Please note, this tool cannot be used to estimate VMT for retail projects or other projects that use the Total VMT metric and threshold. Please consult with City staff before using this tool and refer to the City's TIA Guidelines for more information and direction.