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West Glendale Sustainable Transportation Plan

The West Glendale Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study provides recommendations to support transit use, walking and bicycling. These
recommendations would help reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing the quality of life for the West Glendale

The West Glendale Sustainable Transportation Study area

generally extends from the westerly City limits at

Alameda Avenue and Allen Avenue to Brand Boulevard on the

east. The northern boundary is generally Glenwood Road and
southerly boundary is Highway 134, the Glendale Narrows

Riverwalk, and Riverside Drive. Key employers in the study

area include Disney Imagineering, Dreamworks Studio, Avery

Dennison Headquarters, and Whole Foods Regional Office.

Public schools within the study area include Franklin Elementary,

Thomas Jefferson Elementary, Keppel Elementary, and Toll

Middle School. The study also includes Griffith Manor, Pelanconi,

and Fremont Parks. Regional automobile and truck access is

provided by Interstate 5 and Highway 134. Future transit

improvements include the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus

Rapid Transit (BRT) route through the study area on Glenoaks

Boulevard and Central Avenue. Future stations are planned at Alameda Avenue, Western Avenue, Pacific Avenue, and a station at Grandview Avenue.

The West Glendale Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study kicked off in December 2019 and concluded in December 2020. Information concerning the project is available at The Study included engagement of city agencies to shape the Study work tasks
actively. Technical Advisory Working Group Meetings were facilitated by the consultant, information was presented, and feedback was gathered at key project milestones. The design of the protected bikeways, complete streets and corridor land use concepts was informed by an extensive review of existing and future conditions, including applicable corridor policy framework and planning studies, transportation analysis, and land use analysis. The West Glendale Existing Conditions Report is included in the appendix of this Study.

Short-term, the study can serve as a guide to inform ongoing parallel and future planning and design studies. Long-term, the outcomes of the Study is intended to inform policies prepared as part of the West Glendale Community Plan.

Protected bike lanes are recommended to be constructed as part of the Glenoaks Boulevard segment of the North Hollywood to Pasadena BRT project. Two Glenoaks Boulevard protected bikeway configurations have been identified for further design refinement, analysis, and potential public input as part of BRT project or other City initiated planning and design efforts. A complete street transportation framework has been completed. The framework includes walking and biking recommended routes and design concepts for 4 corridors. An implementation strategy ‘action plan’ comprised of 3 priority projects has been completed. The action plan— identifies responsibilities, timelines, preliminary cost estimates, and potential financing strategies that can be folded into the West Glendale Community Plan and other relevant City plans in the future

























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