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Get Involved

Glendale wants to hear from you! The General Plan updates provide several opportunities for community members to discuss and weigh-in on the City’s future. What we hear from you and your neighbors will be used to prepare plans and programs that truly reflects the community’s vision for the future of Glendale. Please fill out the form at the top of the website if you wish to be added to the City’s mailing list to receive updates and invitations to involvement opportunities.

Involvement Opportunities

Upcoming opportunities for you to be involved in the element updates are listed below. 

Environmental Justice Element Outreach

Several pop-up events were held to gather input for the new Environmental Justice Element in addition to an online survey. If you took the survey or participated in one of our booths at Fire Service Day, Cruise Night, or National Night Out, your answers will help the City develop the policies and actions that will included in the Environmental Justice Element! Thank you!

Safety Element Pop-up Events

Two pop-up events were held to introduce the community to the Safety Element update. Participants had the opportunity to share their feedback and get involved with the project on Earth Day Saturday April 20th, 2024, at Verdugo Park and at Fire Service Day Saturday May 11th, 2024 at Fire Station 21. Thank you to all who participated!


Other Involvement Opportunities

We encourage you to take advantage of these other opportunities to participate. More information will be posted on this page of the website as it is available. Please fill out the form at the top of the website if you wish to be added to the City’s mailing list to receive invitations to future involvement opportunities.


Visioning Workshops

Visioning Workshops will be held to introduce the community to the project and to provide opportunities for the community to identify their vision, goals and priorities, and land use, design, and mobility preferences.


Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Groups

Interviews of groups and organizations that represent various local and regional issues that affect Glendale will be conducted to ensure that a broad range of perspectives are included early in the process. 


Online surveys will provide the opportunity for all community members to conveniently share their experiences and ideas about the individual topics covered in the General Plan.

Community Briefings

Briefings with social and civic groups at their regular meetings will provide an opportunity to inform and educate their members on the updates to the General Plan. 


Public Review Draft Documents

Key project documents, including the General Plan Element updates, Transportation Guidelines, Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis, Emergency Evacuation Analysis, and Environmental Impact Report, will be made available to the public for review and feedback before the project is finalized. The documents will be presented to the entire community in order to receive feedback and input.


Study Sessions and Public Hearings

The City will conduct study sessions and public hearings before the Transportation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council to consider key project documents. Community members are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Why Should I Get Involved?

The City of Glendale is committed to involving the community in the planning process. The General Plan element updates provide residents, businesses, and interested parties the chance to help guide the future of the community. A successful General Plan will reflect the community’s vision and priorities, and we believe that your voice is vital to producing a plan that will reflect your vision for the City’s future. Community input is needed to establish the long-term vision for Glendale and to help identify key issues and priorities.  

How Will My Input be Used?

Public input from every engagement opportunity is meticulously reviewed and documented to ensure that planners, City staff, and decision-makers have a full understanding of public sentiment when updating the General Plan. Public input will be considered throughout the process, especially when creating the goals and policies in each Element.

How Can I Stay Informed?

Please fill out the form at the top of the website if you wish to be added to the City’s mailing list to receive project updates and invitations to involvement opportunities. Your email address will remain private and we will not share it with anyone else.

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This is an official City of Glendale page. 

Community Development Department
633 E. Broadway, Room 103 

Glendale, CA 91206
Phone (818) 548-2005 

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