Land Use Element
The primary objective of the Land Use Element is to develop a long-range plan for the City of Glendale which will provide a comprehensive analysis of current and future land use requirements, economic feasibility, environmental impacts, and implementation techniques. The Land Use Element promotes the thoughtful, equitable, and accessible distribution of different land uses, including residential, commercial, industrial, and open space; and it must align with all other General Plan elements. The goals, policies, and actions included in the City's Land Use Element can help improve public health, reduce infrastructure costs, enhance local economics, and address long-term environmental issues such as climate change and water resources.
State law requires the Land Use Element to address:
Proposed general distribution, general location and extent of the uses of the land for housing, business, industry, open space, including agriculture, natural resources, recreation, and enjoyment of scenic beauty, education, public buildings and grounds, solid and liquid waste disposal facilities, and other categories of public and private uses of land;
Population density and building intensity;
Areas subject to flooding, which are addressed in the Safety Element.
The City of Glendale adopted its current Land Use Element in 1986 and it has been periodically amended over the past 30+ years, including through adoption of the Downtown Specific Plan, North Glendale Community Plan, and South Glendale Community Plan - among others. This effort to comprehensively update our Land Use Element presents an opportunity to think critically about our existing land use pattern and update our land use vision for the future of Glendale. It also allows the City to consolidate the progressive policies currently included in its various strategic, community, and neighborhood plans into one cohesive citywide land use planning framework, making it easier for the community, developers, and elected and appointed officials to better understand and implement the City's land use objectives.
The effort to update the City's Land Use Element will include the following tasks:
Review of Existing Land Use Policy Framework
Creation of new Land Use Goals, Policies, and Programs
Update to the City's Land Use Classifications and Land Use Exhibits
Preparation of a Public Review Draft Land Use Element
Presentation of the Public Review Draft Land Use Element to Planning Commission and City Council
Adoption of a new Land Use Element
Land Use Element Timeline
Last comprehensively updated in 1986
Public outreach and background research: Spring and Summer 2024
Public draft: Late 2024/early 2025
Final draft for City Council Adoption: Anticipated 2025
Information regarding the City's current Land Use Element can be found on the City of Glendale's General Plan website.