Class II Bike Lane: A conventional striped bike lane denoted by pavement markings.
The City of Glendale is embarking on an update to the 2012 Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) to create a 20-year measurable blueprint for making biking safer, easier, and more attractive while also identifying biking-related strategies that help support broader goals, such as economic development, public health, climate change, and equity.
The updated BTP will be a roadmap for creating a safe, enjoyable, all-ages, all-abilities bicycle network that connects local destinations within the city as well as to the region, while also addressing bicycle parking, programming and education, and new technologies (e.g., shared micro-mobility, e-bikes).
We are nearing the final phase of the BTP. The Project Team could not have created this Plan without input from community members at open houses, pop-up events and surveys.
Additionally, the Glendale City Council, Parking and Transportation Commission, and Sustainability Commission have provided valuable feedback on the Draft Plan. The Project Team has been busy revising the Plan based on those comments. Next up, our team will be revisiting the City Council to share the refined Plan for their feedback. Once we have City Council feedback from the upcoming June meeting, our team will incorporate those comments into the final Plan, which will be presented to Council a final time in late summer.
Interactive Preliminary Bicycle Network Map
Thank you for all your comments. As of December 6th, 2023, the network map will no longer incorporate comments or feedback received after this date. This preliminary bike network was developed based on an analysis of safety, connectivity, and needs; the feedback we received from community outreach; and input from the project’s technical advisory committee. This is not the final version. Your input has been crucial in shaping the future of biking in Glendale.
Class I: Multi-Use Path Class II: Bike Lane Class III: Bike Route Class IV: Cycle Track
Off-street Bike Lane On-street bike lane Sharrows On-street, segregated
Fully separated from Not protected Shared lane with vehicles Protected by other
vehicles barriers
Shared with pedestrians Often next to parked cars Designated route for bikers
Types of Bike Facilities
Class II Climbing Lane: A striped bike lane in the uphill direction that provides separation between bicyclists and vehicles for bicyclists ascending steep hills.
Class IV Protected Bike Lane: Bike lanes that are physically separated from vehicle traffic and parking lanes using vertical and horizontal features, such as bollards, planters, and parked vehicles.
Class I Multi-Use Path: An off-street facility with exclusive space for bicyclists and pedestrians, with minimal crossings by vehicle traffic.
Class III Bike Boulevard: Low-stress, marked bikeways located on low-volume, low-speed local streets that operate as shared streets. These require traffic calming features such as neighborhood traffic circles, chicanes, and traffic diverters to maintain low vehicle speeds and volumes.
Class I Multi-Use Path: An off-street facility with exclusive space for bicyclists and pedestrians, with minimal crossings by vehicle traffic.